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Pine seedling


Reclamation of oil and gas well sites.

Contouring and reclamation along wellsite

Clean up, contouring, reclaiming and seeding of oil and gas well sites. 

Culvert and cobbles, and closeup of rip rap

Erosion control with culverts, rip rap, gabion baskets berms, and collection ponds.

Straw mulch on a reclaimed well site

Seeding, reseeding and reclamation for oil and gas well sites for each phase, through plugging and abandoning.

Seedlings and a pit marker at a reclaimed oil and gas wellsite

Reclaimed site after reseeding.

Storm water pollution prevention with straw barriers and fencing

Construction of pre-engineered flood control and storm drainage systems.

Storm Water Pollution Prevention Permitting (SWPPP) is offered through our sister company Mellevet, or through the client's permit.

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